Purpose: demonstrate methods for simulating space use from fitted RSF and SSFs.
Load libraries
opts_chunk$set(fig.width=12,fig.height=4.5, error=TRUE,cache = FALSE)
Record time for running all code
Read in annotated available data for RSF modeling
rsfdat <- read_rds("data/rsf_dat.rds")
Forest versus non-forest
rsfdat$forest <- ifelse(rsfdat$landC == "forest", 1, 0)
Weight available data
rsfdat$w <- ifelse(rsfdat$case_ == 1, 1, 5e3)
We will use only one animal to illustrate simulations. Simulations could be extendend to multiple animals, but not all the details are worked out/implemented yet.
Fit an RSF for F1
dat <- rsfdat %>% filter(id == "F1")
rsffit <- dat %>% mutate(elev = elev / 1e3) %>%
glm(case_ ~ forest + elev, data = ., weight = w, family = binomial())
## Call:
## glm(formula = case_ ~ forest + elev, family = binomial(), data = .,
## weights = w)
## Deviance Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -0.4408 -0.3886 -0.3622 -0.1858 5.0715
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) -11.79414 0.25173 -46.852 < 2e-16 ***
## forest 1.46158 0.07646 19.116 < 2e-16 ***
## elev 937.24059 291.71346 3.213 0.00131 **
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
## Null deviance: 33760 on 28325 degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 33249 on 28323 degrees of freedom
## AIC: 33255
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 7
Next we prepare the environmental covariates: forest and elevation.
landuse <- raster("data/landuse/landuse_study_area.tif")
landuse <- projectRaster(landuse, crs = sp::CRS("+init=epsg:5070"), method = "ngb")
forest <- landuse %in% 41:43
elev <- raster("data/elevation/ASTER ASTGTM2 Elevation-20100101120000000-0-0.tif")
We have to resample the elevation raster, so that it matches the forests.
elev <- projectRaster(elev, crs = sp::CRS("+init=epsg:5070"))
elev <- resample(elev, landuse)
elev <- elev / 1e3
Next, we crop the raster to the 1 km buffer of a bounding box of the observed data.
forest_small <- crop(forest, extent(c(range(dat$x_) + c(-1e3, 1e3),
range(dat$y_) + c(-1e3, 1e3))))
elev_small <- crop(elev, extent(c(range(dat$x_) + c(-1e3, 1e3),
range(dat$y_) + c(-1e3, 1e3))))
hull_polygon <- make_track(dat, x_, y_) %>% hr_mcp(level = 1) %>% hr_isopleths()
## .t missing, creating `track_xy`.
# mask the elev and forest rasters
elev_mcp <- mask(elev_small, hull_polygon)
forest_mcp<-mask(forest_small, hull_polygon)
Now we can calcualte UD from the RSF. Note, we are ignoring the intercept since it cancels out.
ud_lp <- coef(rsffit)[2] * forest_small +
coef(rsffit)[3] * elev_small
ud <- exp(ud_lp)
ud <- ud / sum(ud[], na.rm = TRUE)
with(filter(dat, case_ == 1), points(x_, y_, pch="."))
Better to plot the log of the UD.
with(filter(dat, case_ == 1), points(x_, y_, pch="."))
Now, if limit just to mcp
ud_lp <- coef(rsffit)[2] * forest_mcp +
coef(rsffit)[3] * elev_mcp
ud <- exp(ud_lp)
ud <- ud / sum(ud[], na.rm = TRUE)
with(filter(dat, case_ == 1), points(x_, y_, pch="."))
Better to plot the log of the UD.
with(filter(dat, case_ == 1), points(x_, y_, pch="."))
Read in annotated available data for SSF modeling
ssfdat <- read_rds("data/ssf_dat.rds")
Forest versus non-forest
ssfdat$forest <- ifelse(ssfdat$landC == "forest", 1, 0)
We will use only one animal to illustrate simulations. Simulations could be extendend to multiple animals, but not all the details are worked out/implemented yet.
dat <- ssfdat %>% filter(id == "F1")
class(dat) <- c("stepx_xyt", "steps_xy", class(dat)) # class is lost due to the nesting.
ssffit <- dat %>%
fit_issf(case_ ~ forest + strata(step_id_))
## Call:
## coxph(formula = Surv(rep(1, 12848L), case_) ~ forest + strata(step_id_),
## data = data, method = "exact")
## n= 12848, number of events= 1168
## coef exp(coef) se(coef) z Pr(>|z|)
## forest 0.8496 2.3388 0.1019 8.335 <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95
## forest 2.339 0.4276 1.915 2.856
## Concordance= 0.545 (se = 0.005 )
## Rsquare= 0.006 (max possible= 0.353 )
## Likelihood ratio test= 77.71 on 1 df, p=<2e-16
## Wald test = 69.47 on 1 df, p=<2e-16
## Score (logrank) test = 71.29 on 1 df, p=<2e-16
landuse <- raster("data/landuse/landuse_study_area.tif")
landuse <- projectRaster(landuse, crs = sp::CRS("+init=epsg:5070"), method = "ngb")
forest <- landuse %in% 41:43
names(forest) <- "forest"
# get movement characteristics
sl_char <- fit_sl_dist_base(filter(dat, case_ == 1) %>% pull(sl_))
## shape
## 0.6495437
mk <- movement_kernel(
shape = sl_char$fit$estimate["shape"],
scale = 1 / sl_char$fit$estimate["rate"],
template = forest
hk <- habitat_kernel(
coef = coef(ssffit),
resources = forest
We want to restrict the area again to the area where the animal actually occured.
forest_small <- crop(forest, extent(c(range(dat$x1_) + c(-5e3, 5e3),
range(dat$y1_) + c(-5e3, 5e3))))
hk_small <- habitat_kernel(
coef = coef(ssffit),
resources = forest_small
Now lets simulate an UD
ud <- simulate_ud(mk, hk_small, start = as.numeric(dat[1, c("x1_", "y1_")]),
n = 5e5)
It is probably more realistic to add home ranging behaviour. We can do this by including x and y and x^2 and y^2 in the model.
y <- x <- hk_small
x[] <- xFromCell(hk_small, 1:ncell(hk_small))
y[] <- yFromCell(hk_small, 1:ncell(hk_small))
x <- (x - mean(x[])) / 1e3
y <- (y - mean(y[])) / 1e3
xy <- stack(x, y, x^2, y^2)
names(xy) <- c("x", "y", "x2", "y2")
dat <- dat %>% extract_covariates(xy)
ssffit1 <- dat %>%
fit_issf(case_ ~ forest + x + y + x2 + y2 + strata(step_id_))
## Call:
## coxph(formula = Surv(rep(1, 12848L), case_) ~ forest + x + y +
## x2 + y2 + strata(step_id_), data = data, method = "exact")
## n= 12848, number of events= 1168
## coef exp(coef) se(coef) z Pr(>|z|)
## forest 0.84014 2.31670 0.10321 8.140 3.96e-16 ***
## x -0.24257 0.78461 0.40323 -0.602 0.547
## y -0.45747 0.63289 0.40390 -1.133 0.257
## x2 -0.17047 0.84327 0.28068 -0.607 0.544
## y2 -0.06656 0.93561 0.28724 -0.232 0.817
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95
## forest 2.3167 0.4316 1.8924 2.836
## x 0.7846 1.2745 0.3560 1.729
## y 0.6329 1.5801 0.2868 1.397
## x2 0.8433 1.1859 0.4865 1.462
## y2 0.9356 1.0688 0.5328 1.643
## Concordance= 0.545 (se = 0.01 )
## Rsquare= 0.006 (max possible= 0.353 )
## Likelihood ratio test= 79.57 on 5 df, p=1e-15
## Wald test = 71.01 on 5 df, p=6e-14
## Score (logrank) test = 72.76 on 5 df, p=3e-14
hk_small <- habitat_kernel(
coef = coef(ssffit1),
resources = stack(forest_small, xy)
ud1 <- simulate_ud(mk, hk_small, start = as.numeric(dat[1, c("x1_", "y1_")]),
n = 1e6)
Probably it is a good idea to increase n to 1e7 (this will take a bit longer for the simulations to run)
ud2 <- simulate_ud(mk, hk_small, start = as.numeric(dat[1, c("x1_", "y1_")]),
n = 1e7)
with(filter(dat, case_ == 1), points(x1_, y1_, pch="."))