Below, you will find video presentations for the lectures given in 2018. You can find the slides from these presentations (and updated slides) on the Lecture Slides tab
EnvData Basics, Gil Bohrer
Tracking Data preparation and descriptive statistcs, John Fieberg
Outline.pdf (presentations)
MovementCharacteristics2018.pdf (presentations)
TestVignetteMovebank2018.html (Output from R code)
Introduction to Resource Selection Functions, John Fieberg
IntroRSFandSDM2018.pdf.pdf (presentation)
FisherRSF2018.html (Output from R code)
Annotating availability Data EnvData, Movebank, Sarah Davidson
Introduction to Step Selection Functions, John Fieberg
SSF2018.pdf (presentations tab)
FisherSSF2018.html (Output from R code)
Resource Selection Functions for many animals
Note: this section was updated/upgraded significantly in 2019 to discuss mixed effect approaches for fitting resource-selection and step-selection functions to multiple animals using the methodology described in this pre-preprint.