Presentations 2018
All presentations from 2018 can be dowloaded here
- Outline.pdf: overview of statistical methods that will be covered during the course.
- MovementCharacteristics2018.pdf: introduction to statistical summaries of animal movement, focusing on discrete time (steps, turn angles).
- IntroRSFandSDM2018.pdf: introduction to Resource Selection Functions (what are they?, how do we fit them?, how do we interpret parameters? etc).
- SSF2018.pdf: introduction to step-selection functions (what are they?, how do we fit them?, how do we interpret parameters? etc).
- Strategies_for_Multiple_Animals2018.pdf: discussion of alternative ways to analyze data from multiple animals (population level modeling, 2-step approaches, mixed effects models).
Updated Presentations 2019
- MovementCharacteristics.pdf: introduction to statistical summaries of animal movement, focusing on discrete time (steps, turn angles).
- IntroRSFandSDM.pdf: introduction to Resource Selection Functions (what are they?, how do we fit them?, how do we interpret parameters? etc).
- SSF.pdf: introduction to step-selection functions (what are they?, how do we fit them?, how do we interpret parameters? etc).
- envdata_advanced_topics_2019.pdf: annotating data using the Env-Data GUI and common issues.
- Strategies_for_Multiple_Animals.pdf: discussion of alternative ways to analyze data from multiple animals (population level modeling, 2-step approaches, mixed effects models).
- presentation.pdf: methods for simulating Space Use of Animals from fitted RSF and SSF models.